Who We Are

The Northern Territories Federation of Labour works to advocate and protect workers’ rights and interests in the Northwest Territories and Nunavut.

The NTFL is an umbrella organization that was founded in 1980 and has more than 10,000 affiliated members from more than a dozen unions in the Northwest Territories and Nunavut.

We host labour education and professional development, advocate for improving worker rights within all levels of government, and acts as a labour stakeholder on Territorial and Federal boards and committees. We represent all Northwest Territories and Nunavut workers regardless of union affiliation: the unionized, private sector employees, unorganized and excluded employees.

Our Structure

Northern Territories Federation of Labour was founded in 1980 and has more than 10,000 affiliated members in over a dozen unions in the Northwest Territories and Nunavut.  We are chartered by the Canadian Labour Congress, the largest democratic and popular organization in Canada with more than 3 million members.  We do not answer to governments.

  •  All affiliated Locals pay a monthly per capita of $2.75 per member (full-time) and $1.25 per member (part-time) to the Northern Territories Federation of Labour.

The governing body of the Northern Territories Federation of Labour is its convention held every three years, made up of delegates from all affiliated Locals.

Between conventions, the Federation is governed by:

  • The Executive Committee:  six officers duly elected at convention.
  • The Executive Council: all members of the Executive Committee along with six regional representatives (three regions in the Northwest Territories and three regions in Nunavut).

In the Northwest Territories and Nunavut, there are no local or regional Labour Councils as there are in other Provinces. Here, the Executive Council members provide the regional component of the governing body of the Federation between Conventions.

Executive Committee

Sara-Jayne Dempster President, Northwest Territories
Avery Parle Executive Vice President, Northwest Territories
Kushalini Naidoo Vice President, Northwest Territories
Alison Coman Vice President, Nunavut
Dana Kalluak Vice President, Youth, Northwest Territories
Sean Whitcomb Treasurer, Northwest Territories
Sheila Laity Secretary, Northwest Territories

Regional Vice-Presidents, Northwest Territories

John Dempster RVP Tłįchǫ/Somba k’e
Bruce Gudeit RVP Dehcho/South Slave
Suzanne Hall RVP Sahtu/Inuvik

Regional Vice-Presidents, Nunavut

Vacant RVP Kivalliq
Tracey McCaie RVP Qikiqtani
Paul Puqiqnak RVP Kitikmeot


The NFTL has more than 10,000 affiliated members from more than a dozen unions in the Northwest Territories and Nunavut.

To see a full list of NFTL affiliates, click here.